About Me
Now in his seventh year in the property industry, Lazio is recognized as one of Melbourne’s most prestigious property sales agents. It is not surprising that this young man, still in his junior years, has been so honored. In fact, he has only entered the property industry for about three years, he has achieved “Australia’s Chinese property elite top 100” – stated by the media reports. He has been described as the “platinum teenager of Melbourne property scene”, an amazing young man with great aspirations.
Looking back at Lazio’s history of struggles, it is more than true that the words: “The dedication to their goal is the desire to achieve the highest level within the industry”. “ when I first chose my career, I decided that real estate would be something that I would live in”, Lazio’s says emphatically. “This industry needs dedication and hard work which deeply attracts me”. Ever since I join the industry every day competitive environment really attracts me. Lazio provides seven days a week twenty-four hours customer service. His enthusiasm and energy really bring out his hard work effort within the property industry.
在地产销售行业已摸爬滚打到第七个年头的 Lazio 如今已是公认的墨尔本最富盛名的地产销售
入地产行业 3 年多的时候,他便作为“澳洲华人地产精英百强”之一被媒体报道,稿件中称他是
回顾 Lazio 的奋斗史,更觉这一名号所言不虚:心无旁骛地向着自己认定的目标拼搏的 Lazio,
的行业,” Lazio 说得斩钉截铁。“这一行业需要全身心地投入与拼搏,这种感觉深深地吸引我。
自从我加入这一行业以来,每一天我都在尽情地享受竞争的过程。” Lazio 并未夸大事实—— 澳
盛集团官方网站他的个人简介中,赫然写着“一周 7 天随时为客户服务”;而凡是见诸报端或者网
站中关于 Lazio 的评价,一律对他的热情与活力大著笔墨