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Head Office

Laura Chen

Managing Director
澳盛集团总公司董事长兼CEO —— Laura Chen Laura Chen作为澳盛集团总公司董事长兼CEO,在澳大利亚从事地产开发,建造,项目管理以及地产销售12年。 Laur ...

Tingers Ma

Senior Investment Executive
Committed, hard-working, with a warm positive style and very results driven, Tingers bring ...

Annie Hetrelezis

Senior Investment Executive

Fifi Wang

Senior Investment Executive
Local knowledge, international experience and professional expertise and an exuberant love ...

Rosy Zhang

Senior Investment Consultant
wechat: rosychat I have over 10 years of real estate and customer service experience and h ...

Glen Waverley Office

Eva Hu

Sales Director
本人自进入澳盛以来致力于公司业绩发展,一直勤奋努力,进入公司第一年便成为公司的年度销售冠军,同时通过自己丰富的经验,积累了不少客户和人脉资源,同时建立了自己的小组,每周定期为小组组 ...

John Chin

Investment Consultant

Alice Zhang

Investment Consultant

Louis Tang

Investment Consultant

Mary Chen

Investment Consultant

Mandy Ma

Investment Consultant

Huanhuan Liu

Investment Consultant

Hongli Zhang

Investment Consultant

Vicky Han

Investment Consultant

Tracy Li

Investment Consultant
我是澳盛集团销售人员TONGQIN LI (Tracy),隶属GLEN 门店,我以真诚待人,以专业示人,希望和您从朋友开始,彼此从相识到相知。一房一家,让我助您一臂之力! I’m ...

Tracy Li

Investment Consultant
我是澳盛集团销售人员TONGQIN LI (Tracy),隶属GLEN 门店,我以真诚待人,以专业示人,希望和您从朋友开始,彼此从相识到相知。一房一家,让我助您一臂之力! I’m ...

Don Yin

Senior Investment Executive
墨尔本房产投资,租赁,生意买卖顾问,投资规划师 Melbourne house property invest, rental, business counselor, inves ...

Zoe Zhao

Investment Consultant
Zoe Zhao has been engaged as property developer for 8 years, and was joined Austrump Glen ...

Beryl Shang

Senior Investment Executive
房产投资顾问 房屋租赁代理 生意买卖代理  


Senior Investment Executive
Xin has joined Austrump having sold many(number) or varied properties with the team. He is ...

Kai Xia

Senior investment consultant
墨尔本房产投资,租赁,生意买卖顾问 海外资产配置;房产投资;移民留学

Jimmy Wang

Senior investment consultant
澳盛集团Jimmy Wang,主要负责二手house, townhouse,apartment买卖,拥有超过10年实体店和进出口贸易经验,为广大客户提供不仅仅买房卖房服务,更是全方 ...

Box Hill Office

Cherry Lim

Sales Director
曾负责BoxHill、Glen Waverley 等华人大区地标性建筑,包括:Whitehorse Trio(Box Hill)、Sky One(Box Hill)、Sky Gar ...

Annie Kong

Investment consultant

Christina Dai

Investment consultant

Anya H Goh

Investment consultant

Audrey Xu

Investment consultant
主要负责独家大型综合体TRIO万豪城(Box Hill),富人区Balwyn,Camberwll,Hawthorn,Brighton等周边全新/二手独栋别墅。 为188新移民,海外 ...

Linda Wang

Senior investment consultant

Bianca Liu

Senior investment consultant

Paul Wu

Senior investment consultant

Jun Li 

Senior Investment Consultant
Ms. Jun Li (Jenny Li) has more than 10 years of accounting,sales and marketing experience ...

CBD Office1

Yoyo Yu

Sales Director
  澳盛集团执行董事 兼CBD旗舰店店长 —— YOYO Yu YOYO Yu 拥有墨尔本皇家理工大学地产评估专业硕士学位,具备企业管理方面专业知识,持有VIC Esta ...

Ivor Chen

Senior Investment Consultant
Ivor Chen 生于中国浙江省,来澳洲十余年,曾在澳洲多个城市生活,熟悉澳洲各大城市房产市场,流利中英文。 专业,负责,以人为本是Ivor 一贯秉持的工作理念。摒弃了传统模式化 ...

Wendy Wang

Senior Investment Consultant
我是澳盛集团房产销售,投资规划师Wendy Wang ,2022年加入澳盛集团city门店房产部,我是昆士兰大学的商科硕士。从2015年开始,从事房产行业8年时间,我以诚信,专业的 ...

Grant Li

Investment Consultant
Grant Li – 维多利亚州(VIC)注册持牌地产顾问(Licensed Real Estate Agent) – 从业多年以来,精通各种新房销售/二手 ...

Patrick Zhao

Senior Investment Executive
Patrick Zhao sophisticated in Real Estate areas as a licensed Real Estate consultant of th ...

Lazio Ding

Senior Investment Executive
  Now in his seventh year in the property industry, Lazio is recognized as one of Mel ...

Jojo Zhang

Senior Investment Consultant
I have over 10 years of real estate and customer service experience and have serviced hund ...

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