About Me
我是澳盛集团房产销售,投资规划师Wendy Wang ,2022年加入澳盛集团city门店房产部,我是昆士兰大学的商科硕士。从2015年开始,从事房产行业8年时间,我以诚信,专业的态度对待我的每一位客户,希望我的客户在我的推荐下可以买到合适的房产。希望我可以祝客户一臂之力!I’m Wendy Wang, professional investment consultant from Austrumo Group, City branch, since 2022. I graduated from the University of Queensland, and got the master degree of business. I have been engaged in real estate for 8 years since 2015. I am honest and professional attitude to treat my customers. I hope I will help you purchase a dream house.